Chad White By Fabian Morassut

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We can never get enough of the handsome and hunky Chad White on the Gay Body Blog, and although I thought perhaps I'd shared some of these pics in posts before, I was willing to risk that. I don't think you guys will mind much if any of these have been repeated on the blog. Seriously, I think I could add the same photo of the handsome hunk every week and no one would mind lol

He's been shot by Fabian Morassut for this collection of various images, no real theme or coherent style is found, they're just some sexy body and face shots of one of the most stunning young men in the male modeling world.

I have to say though, for someone as remarkably handsome as him there's not an awful lot of him out there right now. This guy should be getting his kit off every week for a new amazing shoot, bearing all or just bearing a little, I wouldn't mind as long as there's constant opportunities to dribble and drool over the fantasies I consistently have about this guy lol

Enjoy the pics, and make sure you let me know if you ever find a shoot out there with this gorgeous guy that we've never featured on the blog before!

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10 years ago

He just finished shooting a new lookbook for Michael Bastian. There’s also some yet to be released shoots for Levis, Ralph Lauren, and an upcoming editorial for GQ Russia. (He’s fully clothed in these though 🙂 )

I don’t think you’ve posted his recent shoots from Galore magazine and Made in Brazil. He also had a very revealing shoot for Interview magazine where he played a gay gigolo.

Yes, I’m a fan of his. 😀

And don’t forget to greet him, it’s his birthday today 😀


10 years ago

Could you please make another post about José Alves? The one you got has the fotos broken and we can’t see them. I got really curious about him.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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