Celebrating Valentine’s Day With A Raw Flip Fuck!

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A raw flip fuck is a great way to celebrate Valentine's Day with the man you love, right? Blain O'Connor and Derek Kage seem to think so, too.

We're joining the hot muscle hunks for this new session at Next Door Studios, and it's going to have you all wishing you could celebrate with either of them, or both!

Maybe you're lucky and you have a handsome hunk with a raging cock waiting to deliver a good pounding like this on your special day? If so, congrats. I'm gonna go looking for that special guy lol

These two really deliver something hot in this session.

Blain and Derek are both awesome guys. They're super sexy, super horny and rigid with the need to unload together.

They know how to take their time and rally enjoy each other, with plenty of sucking, rimming and hole swapping.

Sure, it's romantic, but I think it's more horny than sweet.

I think it's hard to seem to sweet about things when you look like these guys and you have rock solid dicks needing release.

Enjoy some pics and click here for the raw flip fuck video. Don't forget they have a Valentine's discount on right now, you're gonna want to take advantage of that :)

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2 years ago

Getting hornier and hornier!

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