Canadian Hunk Jaden Goetz Is Back On The Blog!

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I don't know why, but we haven't seen this Canadian hunk for almost five years. I think we all agree that's just not acceptable!

When he arrived in my emails this morning I instantly remembered him from the post back in 2018. Most specifically, I remembered that the same friend sent me those pics because Jaden Goetz looks so much like a mutual friend it's scary.

Yes, me and my buddy know someone who looks almost exactly like this handsome guy.

And yes, he's always getting hit on lol

He's straight, but he's not an asshole. He lets guys down easy :)

That doesn't stop us all from making suggestive comments, but he seems to enjoy that.

I don't know how this insanely sexy man has avoided my attention for so many years but I had to get these pics on the blog before I did anything else today.

I'm wondering if he's been focusing on other aspects of his life. He's an actor as well as a model, so maybe he's been getting roles on screen instead?

He's posing for photographer Aldrin Del Carmen in these lovely pics, and we want more.

I guess this means I have a whole rabbit hole to go down now. I'm wondering how much of this Canadian hunk I've missed out on over the last few years.

Leave a comment if you want more, and hit that thumbs-up button, too!

Have a lovely Monday.

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Um brasileiro
Um brasileiro
1 year ago

Belo (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡

Gordon Powell
Gordon Powell
1 year ago

GR8 professional looking photo set. Model is very beautiful, but needs body hair.

Reply to  Gordon Powell
1 year ago

for once i thought you had something positive to say then you ruin it.

1 year ago

à quand “retour vers le futur III” sans fumée SVP?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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