Cake Making Laurent Marchand Naked To End Your Week

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The working week is over for most of us, and I can't think of a better way to end it than with the sight of gorgeous Laurent Marchand naked.

AKA, Charles-Laurent Lelièvre.

I'm guessing he got married!?

If so, congrats to whoever the lucky man is.

We haven't seen this handsome young man for more than 4 years. Isn't that ridiculous?

Where has he been?

Well, I did a little digging, and it seems he's now running a cake business in Miami, Florida.

I know that's one of the strangest career moves I have ever seen for a studly male model like him, but after seeing the creations he makes I can understand why he made the move.

This guy isn't just damn sexy, handsome and hung, he's a skilled artist!

I was already a little infatuated just for his gorgeous blue eyes, good looks and hot body, but knowing he could bake me a fabulous cake too just makes him even more impressive.

Check out some more pics of Laurent Marchand naked. Leave a comment and hit the thumbs-up button. Share the post so your friends and followers get to enjoy him.

I'm gonna go and think about what kind of cake I would ask him to make for me, among several other things :)

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