Bye Then, Jake Genesis!

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Have you seen? I don't know whether to be pissed about this or just laugh at the stupidity of it all.

Porn star hunk - and one that I have absolutely lusted after since seeing him for the very first time a year ago - has "done an Angus" and gone all religious on us.

Oh, I should explain the term "done an Angus" (meaning Angus T. Jones of "Two and a Half Men")... this term is now used to describe the act of publicly denouncing the thing you've been earning a nice living from and using your sudden rediscovery of religion as the reason for trashing it, as though some evil Priest sneaked into your bedroom in the middle of the night and replaced your brain with a one from a deluded fanatic and you woke up with the sudden urge to join the Phelps family at their next protest. ;)

Is this a trend we're seeing of people choosing a side? We had Michelle Shocked come out on stage and scream and rant about gay people and their evil ways, promptly destroying her tour after the first show as the rest of the venues rushed to tell her to GTFO. We had the mentioned Angus T. Jones making a video telling everyone how horrible and disgusting his show was, and how a Christian like him really wouldn't want to watch it - translating as "if you're a good person you wouldn't watch it" lol - while making lots of money from doing it of course! And now we have Jake Genesis...

Apparently, after a year of getting it on with guys on video, Jake Genesis has decided that this all goes against his Catholic beliefs... yep, you heard me! You seriously have to wonder whether these people are just trolling, right? I mean, when Angus T. Jones did his little video slagging off his own show because it goes against his "faith" everyone wondered if Ashton Kutcher had got him into punking someone for a new season of his show. When Michelle Shocked had her rant about gay marriage being evil and destroying the world, her fans in the audience were indeed incredulous and kept asking if she was being ironic, or if she was joking or just trying to be creative in some way to make a point!

Now we have an incredibly successful gay porn star deleting himself as much as he can from the gay porn business, slagging it all off, and claiming it's all a horrid and nasty business, because of his religious beliefs?!

Yep, it's becoming a little strange out there, as if the religious are all downing tools and ending their careers in spectacular fashion. The question is, will Jake regret it as much as both Angus and Michelle seemed to immediately after? Michelle's career is now officially over, and Angus has had to grovel and plead almost to stay on the show if rumours are to be believed.

I think we might see Jake back again in another year or two, maybe once the money has run out lol

Jake Genesis leaving porn (1)

Jake Genesis leaving porn (2)

Jake Genesis leaving porn (3)

Jake Genesis leaving porn (4)

Jake Genesis leaving porn (5)

Jake Genesis leaving porn (6)

Jake Genesis leaving porn (7)

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11 years ago

Thank you, Jake for the short-lived but amazing pleasures your incredible beauty and the five-alarm performances have given. The best to your enlightened private life….for you reap what you sow (and all of its residuals).

11 years ago

He has the right to do or think whatever he wants…get over it, you don’t control him.
Reply to  Steve
11 years ago

How does this opinion change what the guy is doing? It’s just an opinion.

11 years ago

Yeah like there aren’t hundreds more huge over muscled guys like him at R Stallion or Titan or whatever.

11 years ago

Obviously someone close to him found out about his “secret”. In doing so he found God. He’s repenting. Maybe not to God or whomever, but he feels shame for doing something he enjoyed and is trying to make himself out to be a victim. Nobody gets forced to do the vids he performed in. He certainly seemed to be enjoying himself. Like previous comments made he won’t be overly missed as there is someone hotter younger and not ashamed of doing what he enjoys.
Is he hot? Yes. For those of us who enjoyed his foray into porn we have lots to watch. Once it’s out there it stays there.

Kiss me
Kiss me
11 years ago

Err, he is still gay and lives with two gay porn stars in Brazil that he in a romaniac relationship with.

Andrew Rich
Andrew Rich
10 years ago

I dated jake genesis a few years ago and he just disappeared one day. No I’m sorry Good bye nothing. Then I just wanted to find him and ask why. Well I found him and he almost sends me to jail for it. Why? You said you loved me and would never leave and you did without a word. I was heart broken . You treated me like dirt. Yet I still care greatly for you. I only wanted your heart. Nothing else! I hope no one treats you horrible like I was. But if your heart us broken I will be here to heal it. Yes i still care greatly!

9 years ago


4 years ago

I just saw him today. he looks great.

3 years ago

How could you have seen Jake? I lived 3 doors away from him for years and didn’t recognize him. He is totally different heavier and moved.

3 years ago

IS he still alive. some rumors on internet said he dead

2 years ago

Genesis has one of the sexiest face/body combinations in gay porn. In addition to being one of the best cocksuckers, he has a great looking unit that always loses a good nut. His widespread, muscled thighs with prominent veins do it for me every time. The religion business is just a gimmick, irrelevant and, as always, worthless.

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