Butch Skater Boy Action With Mateus Verdelho

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Okay, I have a weakness when it comes to skaters and punks. I know it's a problem ;)

But, when you see hot young inked muscle models like Mateus Verdelho in shots like this, surely you can understand why I love them so much! lol

I have to admit that this one isn't so much about the model sporting the tasty underwear by the Butch brand in Sao Paulo for this shoot, but more about the energy and sexy exuberance of the shoot itself. It's in total contrast to the recent swimwear shoot featuring Ryan Bertroche, and it really stands out as something a little different to the way we see underwear being promoted.

Does it work? I'm not entirely sure this style actually does the product any favors. I mean, it's black and white, it's not clear that the underwear is what it's all about, and I'm not sure they're even targeting the right audience with it. But maybe that's the reason for it, the fact that they've had bloggers posting the pics and mentioning their brand means their promotion is done for them.

I don't really care about all of that, I just love the pics, and the action shots and the focus on specific imagery is pretty sexy!

Butch Skater Boy Action With Mateus Verdelho

Butch Skater Boy Action With Mateus Verdelho

Mateus Verdelho - Bulge

Butch Underwear - Mateus Verdelho

Mateus Verdelho - Sexy underwear

Butch - Mateus Verdelho

Butch underwear with Mateus Verdelho

Skater Boy

Mateus Verdelho

Butch Skater Boy Action With Mateus Verdelho

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13 years ago

Enjoy the pics of the topless opening of AB & F in Singapore https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150458374677482.386675.506662481&type=3

13 years ago

WHEW!,,and you know he’s got to be GOOD at that skateboarding and more!..he doesn’t have on any pads,clothes..well almost..need an ASS shot!

..I have a thing also for this bad boy look..has gotten me in trouble once(he was legal but turned out to be an idiot 🙂 ) but this has no reflection on skateboarders

Thanks so much,

13 years ago

DAMN! I wish I could feel those muscles of his!!!!

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