Buns And Bulge With Georgi Boyadzhiyski

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It's our second time enjoying sexy young Georgi Boyadzhiyski, but although we're not getting any cock in this shoot I think you guys are going to appreciate the buns and bulge display.

If you didn't see the first post of pics with this smooth and fit young man back in September I absolutely recommend clicking here and checking it out.

It's a super sexy and dripping wet session by photographer Joan Crisol, and it seems they've struck up a good friendship.

The teasing sight of his dick in that shoot definitely makes me want more of the same, but I'm happy to be sharing him in this small collection of pics.

You already know I love Joan's work.

They models he picks are stunning. There's a definite style to the images he creates with his models and they're usually on the cusp of being being porn while not quite crossing that line.

Of course, sometimes he finds a model who is more than happy to show off everything with brazen pride, and we appreciate those. But, there's something to be said about a buns and bulge shoot like this one.

And would you check out that ass.

Isn't it perfect? Don't you just want to get a good close up inspection of this young man's booty!?

Enjoy his buns and bulge, leave a comment below, hit the thumbs-up button and share the post.

Have a fab Sunday and I'll see you back here tomorrow :)

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Gordon Powell
Gordon Powell
1 year ago

Always sad to see a dream shattered, but this kid better keep his day job. Absolutely nothing special or unique about him.

1 year ago

I think he is a marvelous man , and as soon as possible, for other sides of his body

Um brasileiro
Um brasileiro
1 year ago

Perfeito (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤

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