Bulging Out Of His Briefs With Handsome Model Billy Dunn

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He's handsome, he's sexy, he's 6'2" and I think he's new to the business. I'm already getting the feeling we're gonna be seeing a lot more of Billy Dunn in the next few years.

I have no idea who the photographer is in this instance - the photos came to me by email this morning - but whoever they are they did a great job showing off this handsome man in a very sexy series of photos.

Having done a little digging I can tell you that he's repped in NY, and it looks like he's just started his career last year. He's been in a diverse selection of shoots that look like the basis of his portfolio and of course they had to get some underwear shots in there.

He's listed as a fitness model, but I think that works for him. Clearly he stays in shape and he looks good wearing little.

You can definitely tell he's going to be successful as an underwear or swimwear model, because (let's be honest about this) when a guy fills up some undies nicely and has a body like this it's a no-brainer.

You need a model who can fill some underwear and show a little bulge in the right, subtle way, and this handsome young man can definitely do that.

Check him out, let me know in the comments what you think, hit the thumbs-up button and share the post with your friends and followers :)

Have a lovely Wednesday!

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3 years ago

Love that Treasure Trail.

3 years ago

Who could resist that gorgeous man with a treasure train to die for

3 years ago

soooo tasty

John Karr
John Karr
3 years ago

The headline says he’s bulging out of his briefs. Which photo is that in? I don’t see no bulge, no how, no where.

3 years ago

Agree with John Karr: he is completely surrounded by no bulge, maybe last photo a bit. Boring briefs!

3 years ago

The “classic cut” Calvin briefs are hard for anyone to make look good. I wonder why they discontinued their low cut briefs but continue to produce these chestnuts.

3 years ago

I’d just fall in love

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