Bulging Muscles With Jessie Mattingly

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I hope you guys are having a good weekend so far. I'm currently away for the weekend but I'm managing to find some time to get online and add some posts for you guys to make you weekend a little hotter. I know a lot of you come here pretty regularly to enjoy some eye-candy, and I think a lot of you will appreciate the sight of Jessie Mattingly in this post.

He's a real big guy, muscled and hunky. He's pretty handsome too, and although there's a chick in a couple of these photos there's also a slight flash of cock meat that I didn't think you guys would want to miss out on. So, just pretend that she's not there, or maybe just imagine they are your hands covering his obvious semi ;)

He's another American male model from Washington too (you might have seen the guy from yesterday), but this guy is much bigger and beefier, the kind of hunk I think most of us would love to know a little more intimately.

One of the best things about him is that big muscled ass. I never used to be an ass man much, but for a big round beefy butt like his I most certainly am!

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11 years ago

I wish my hand was where her is!! 🙂

11 years ago

The last one is just amazing. I would like to keep a scoop of butter scotch on his butt and lick it slowly

11 years ago

Her fishy hands ruin the entire mood!

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