Bulging And Wet In The Shower With Benjamin Rubens

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Yep, I'm still missing the gym, and I really don't care if several of them have opened again I am not going back until we have a handle on things. I really am missing it, though. Sure, I miss the actual workouts, there's only so much you can do with a few weights at home, but more than that I miss the guys showing off in the locker room and showers :)

That's what I was reminded of with this sexy shoot featuring big and buff hunk Benjamin Rubens.

Yeah, he's a gym-going stud who clearly doesn't mind putting on a little show, and I can almost guarantee that if you're in the showers with this big man at the right time you're gonna get a good look at everything he has to offer :)

Fabien Lesch is the lucky photographer presenting this handsome and studly man in this wet and horny shoot, showing off his fine physique in a very teasing collection of images that leave little to the imagination.

Sure, it could have been hornier, would could have had a full-on jack off and I don't think Benjamin would have immediately declined that suggestion, but these photos definitely offer something special just because of the restraint they've shown.

Enjoy him, leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button and share the post so your friends and followers can enjoy him too. Most importantly, have a lovely Thursday :)

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4 years ago

Perhaps less bear would help

4 years ago

[…] in the shower for photographer Fabien Lesch, and I expect this post to get even more appreciation than the first collection of pics from this shoot on Thursday. Get ready with that clicky finger to give him a thumbs-up and prepare to leave a comment […]

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