Check Out The Bulge Of Brazilian Model Daniel Benjamin In A Shoot By Mave L. Hsiun

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I don't know why we've only seen this handsome and smooth Brazilian hunk once before, but I'm determined to change that and get some more photos of him on the blog. If you've been visiting here for long enough you probably know that I have a thing for Brazilian guys. I know I'm not alone in that. Be honest, you have a thing for them too, right? Leave a comment and let me know :) So, when I see a Brazilian hottie like Daniel Benjamin I want to spend a while enjoying the sight of their gorgeous body, and I confess that I've just spent far too long ogling this man while I should have been working. If you don't tell anyone I won't, it'll be our little secret. I'm extremely jealous of photographer Mave L. Hsiun, the one responsible for this sexy collection of images. Can you imagine spending time with this guy, naked? I don't know if there are any full-frontal shoots with the guy out there anywhere, but this one is pretty revealing and I'm hoping there might be more. It looks like he's got quite a lot worth showing off! I think we all agree we need to see this handsome and toned man naked. Have a great Wednesday, but after you leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button, and share the post... do all the lovely things you guys do so well.

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Gordon Harris
Gordon Harris
6 years ago

Daniel Benjamin is a good looking, sexy man with a fine athletic physique. Thanks for sharing his pictures.

6 years ago

Good-looking hunk of a guy. Good choice!

Hut Ton
Hut Ton
6 years ago

He’s naked in a Hongkong movie 30 years of Adonis
Shows his cock
Google it

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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