Bulge And Butt With Logan Swiecki-Taylor

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We've had so many stunning pics of Logan Swiecki-Taylor on the Gay Body Blog, and I don't think there's any chance of us ever getting bored of seeing this gorgeous and ripped hunk showing off his bulges for the Rufskin brand. I was feeling a little inspired to get some more pics of the stunning man on here this morning after my trip to the gym, where I got the opportunity to check out a dude a lot like him. This guy was ripped, handsome, bulging in all the right places, and seeing him in the showers (entirely accidentally, but perfectly timed!) was more than a little inspiring. If you can imagine seeing Logan Swiecki-Taylor totally naked, a little turned on and dripping soapy suds right in front of you then you can imagine how good my morning was lol Of course, it could have been better still :) What would your reaction be if you walked into the locker room at the gym and saw this guy totally naked? Really, I want to know - not just because I'm feeling insanely horny today lol I think these pics are from a little while back, but this guy always looks amazing no matter what he's wearing or how revealing he's being, although we do all want to see him showing everything off. Check out the pics, leave a comment below, give him a thumbs up! Don't forget to share this post around too, I'm sure you have a lot of friends who would appreciate having this guy to make their Thursday a little more special :) Bulge And Butt With Logan Swiecki-Taylor 1 Bulge And Butt With Logan Swiecki-Taylor 2 Bulge And Butt With Logan Swiecki-Taylor 3 Bulge And Butt With Logan Swiecki-Taylor 4 Bulge And Butt With Logan Swiecki-Taylor 5 Bulge And Butt With Logan Swiecki-Taylor 6 Bulge And Butt With Logan Swiecki-Taylor 7 Bulge And Butt With Logan Swiecki-Taylor 8

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Andrew Soule
Andrew Soule
8 years ago

Great model, horrid swimming costume.

8 years ago


3 years ago

I wnna see logan jack off while wearing , that hott , string bikini , out buy the pool all oiled up , kicked back on a lounge chair!!!!

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