Buff Hunk Milutin Djekovich Is So Serious

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It's something we've commented on quite a lot in the past; the blank stares and the stoic expressions of so many models. I thought of that again this morning when I saw these first photos of handsome and incredibly muscled Milutin Djekovich so I decided to open with that :)

This Spanish hunk might be new to us here on the blog but it seems he's been a model for a little while. You can probably predict that most of his work is done shirtless. With a body like that it's easy to see why he would be picked for fitness shoots, underwear and swimwear.

These images are by Inch Photography. I don't really know what to say about their name without seeming too rude, but I guess you can come up with your own jokes.

So, the kind of modeling he does isn't a surprise, and the fact that he's also a personal trainer shouldn't be a surprise either.

As someone who is desperately trying to get himself to the gym far more often than he did in 2019, I can categorically say that if this guy were my trainer and he worked out shirtless, I would probably be there several times a week putting in the work :)

Maybe I'd get to see him smile?

Enjoy him, leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button and share the post too. Have a great Tuesday!

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