Buff Hottie Chad White By Greg Vaughan

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I know I've said before that there are a lot of different things I like to see when it comes to hot guys, and muscle plays a big part in that. Although the rest of Chad White is as delicious, I have to say that this first pic of him showing off those arms and those sloping curved shoulders does something to me that I can't really explain.

But I'll try.

There are a lot of great shots of the guy in this collection by photographer Greg Vaughan (he always shoots great images) but that photo is probably the best one for me. It's kinda funny considering there's not a whole lot on display, but I guess that just goes to show that nudity doesn't always mean a photo is sexier.

I think Chad White might be one of those guys who could wear a 90's heat reactive T-shirt with dungarees and sandals and he would STILL look sexy as hell somehow.

Okay, that might be taking it a little too far, do you remember those heat reactive T-shirts? Man were they a mistake - unless you were a heterosexual teenage boy with a thing for boob imprints and sweat stains lol

Sorry, I digress, check out the handsome hunk and drool, I'm off to look for 90's vintage clothes on eBay ;)

Buff Hottie Chad White By Greg Vaughan (1)

Buff Hottie Chad White By Greg Vaughan (2)

Buff Hottie Chad White By Greg Vaughan (3)

Buff Hottie Chad White By Greg Vaughan (4)

Buff Hottie Chad White By Greg Vaughan (5)

Buff Hottie Chad White By Greg Vaughan (6)

Buff Hottie Chad White By Greg Vaughan (7)

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11 years ago

Madly in love with this man 🙂

Reply to  Spacecorgi
11 years ago

He’s so gorgeous, isn’t he? I love his smile, the kind of smile that could get me into bed within seconds – like it would take that long! lol

Juraj Zamek
Juraj Zamek
9 years ago

Ok model

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