Buff Dude Richy Castro Looking Perfect For Photographer Rick Day
Within moments of seeing this gorgeous hunk I already had a growing list of things I was imagining doing to him.
His name is Richy Castro and I think he's pretty new to the male modeling business, but he's picked the perfect photographer to work with in Rick Day. Actually, I probably have that the wrong way around. You don't seek out working with such an amazing photographer, he seeks you! lol
So, well done to Rick Day for finding another stunning man who looks absolutely amazing in front of his camera.
We're always expecting things to get pretty damn sexy when Rick has a guy like this to take photos of, but once again we're left wanting more. His style and theme for these sporty and bedroom shots is there, the tease is there, the *almost* flashing some cock is there to get us all interested and wanting to see more. Then we're left hoping that one day the rest of the shoot is released.
I think we all know Rick took plenty more images in this shoot, and we want to see every one of them! :)
I'm going to have to get out there a little later and see what else I can find. We already have quite a lot to enjoy from Richy Castro in this post, but we all want more right?
As always, leave a comment and show him some love with that thumbs up button!

Very sexy!
I agree, but then Rick Day could make the Demogorgon from Stranger Things look hot in front of his cameras! lol