Buff Bodied Hunk For Alexander COBB

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This is my first encounter with the Alexander COBB underwear brand, but it's a pleasing one to say the least. I have no clue who this hunky man is, but the style of the photos and the hot bod he's showing off have my interest!

Is it right to call him somewhat of a "daddy"? I sometimes get a little confused about what the labels mean and who should qualify (don't even get me started on the use of "twink" when describing guys in their late 20's or with buff bods! lol)

Either way, whether you'd call this hunky man a daddy or not, I don't think I'm the only one who wants to see a lot more of him in the future. The guy is sexy in my opinion, not too massively muscled, but more naturally built and genuinely studly.

He might not be as ripped as some of those buff young models out there, but I would not be kicking this dude out of my bed.

If you know anything more about this man, do let me know in the comments. I would love to find more and see what else he's done that might be out there ;)

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11 years ago

I want to be with him and feel his muscles!!!!! Scorching!!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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