Buff Australian Big Brother Hunk Matthew Filippi

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I have to confess that I haven't really watched any Big Brother show from any country for several years. It's one of those things that started off interesting enough, until one night I realized that I was laying in bed watching other people sleeping. The moment you realise just how wasteful and nonsensical that is you kind of fall out of love with the show! lol

But, it has to be said that there have been some real hunky young men on the show in its time, at least here in the UK (I was a huge fan of Stuart Wilson - sexy just does not cut it!)

I recently found this fine specimen who apparently appeared on the Australian Big Brother show recently, and although I don't care about the show I do care about this handsome and hunky young man and would probably have watched it just to see him ;)

Matthew Filippi is an electrician, model and aspiring actor with a great body and the kind of handsome good looks that could melt any guys heart. He's a nice guy too from what I've read, and even has a bit of a reputation for being in a "bromance" with a another contestant on the show, and a hot hunky contestant too!

Buff Australian Big Brother Hunk Matthew Filippi (1)

Buff Australian Big Brother Hunk Matthew Filippi (2)

Buff Australian Big Brother Hunk Matthew Filippi (3)

Buff Australian Big Brother Hunk Matthew Filippi (4)

Buff Australian Big Brother Hunk Matthew Filippi (5)

Buff Australian Big Brother Hunk Matthew Filippi (6)

Buff Australian Big Brother Hunk Matthew Filippi (7)

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Dream jerk off buddy Matthew Filippi | Jerk Off Jock
11 years ago

[…] just saw some pics of the handsome and hunky Matthew Filippi on the Gay Body Blog and had to add one here for you guys to check out too. Apparently he’s a […]

11 years ago

Not sure about other countries’ editions but the one here in the U.S. also has well-built hotties (with and without ink) but, oddly enough, they are usually among the 50% or more of the residents of the house who smoke. Body building = smoking? Please tell me how these two behaviors are even remotely compatible? Both my parents were drunks and chain smokers — perfectly consistent paths to slow suicide. But, these kids; someone in my generation (Baby Boomers) forgot how to enforce discipline and we now see the results — in HD.

My biggest problem, however, with the versions shown here in the U.S. is that they usually have at least one queer contestant in each version. And the casting director seems to make an extra special effort to ensure that every one of the males fits the stereotype to a T — young, very thin, nicotine addicted and as effeminate as is possible short of prancing around as a transvestite. Evidently, there was one way back who was, in fact, very masculine and athletic. But, surprise, he never disclosed his attraction to his own gender until he was way off the show.

The more things change, the more things stay the same. Sad, sad.

Reply to  Conran
11 years ago

Conran … we agree … twice! Is the world coming to an end?

Seriously, I am not a fan of the show “Survivor” that used to be a big hit and is still on the air here in the U.S. My best friend is, however, and she says to me about the wimpy, effeminate scheming queer guys that are frequently on the show, “Hey, your people are not represented very well.” Like, I am responsible for their casting, let alone their behavior? Please!

There’s hope for the two of us yet.

11 years ago

Holy Moly, that one piece of man-flesh Brother I can sink my wet vacuum into!

11 years ago

Yes! Very hot!! I love his eyes, bod ALL!

11 years ago

I’m from Australia and watched the show, so i found out he has an identical twin brother!!!

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