British Olympic Gymnast Louis Smith

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There are a lot of reasons to enjoy the Olympics when it comes around to that time again. There's the drama of the opening ceremony, at least one strange or shocking occurrence, the chance to cheer on your country, and the chance to celebrate when your athletes do something remarkable.

But, there are a couple of things specifically that us guys love... the mens gymnastics and the diving. Come on, you know you were more interested in those two things last year for London 2012 than you were in anything else. ;)

And with guys like Louis Smith competing it's not really such a surprise. Britain actually did rather well last year, not just in competition but for the sexiness of so many of our athletes too. I'm not going to list them all because you know a lot of them already, but Louis Smith was definitely amongst the top ten.

Of course, his skills gained him a big collection of fans, but his hot bod did too. Check out these photos for Gay Times Magazine by photographer Dylan Rosser and you'll understand why he became such a sex symbol ;)

Instead of his usual setting of pummel horse or rings, he's taking a dip in the pool for this shoot, adding another level of sexiness to it all. The only thing that could make this sexier is adding Tom Daley lol

British Olympic Gymnast Louis Smith (1)

British Olympic Gymnast Louis Smith (2)

British Olympic Gymnast Louis Smith (3)

British Olympic Gymnast Louis Smith (4)

British Olympic Gymnast Louis Smith (5)

British Olympic Gymnast Louis Smith (6)

British Olympic Gymnast Louis Smith (7)

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11 years ago

dame louis of the smiths…….he would agree to the opening of an envelope

11 years ago

Men’s gymnastics and swimming, yes, definite must sees for the Summer Olympics. Diving? Twinks on parade … yawn!

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