British Model David Gandy

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David Gandy is one of the most successful male models to come out of England. Born in 1980 in Essex, this incredibly handsome man definitely has the Bond look about him, and perhaps that is why this English gentleman has become so popular with the likes of Dolce & Gabbana.

You've heard about men being "discovered" by scouts in all kinds of places from night clubs to airports, but David's story is definitely a little different.

For those outside of the UK, the Richard and Judy breakfast show was - I guess - the British equivalent of the US' Live with Regis and Kelly.

It was basically a couple on the telly, waking people up talking about inane subjects and unusual news. It was pretty uninspired and easy. I guess what's needed for a morning show.

Unknown to David Gandy, his friends had entered him into a Richard and Judy competition to be come the next UK model. And he won!

Very soon after he found himself signed to Select Model Management and struggling to secure work. Despite his success in the contest, he found it hard and faced a string of rejections. That was until the D&G took him on to front their campaign for the fragrance Light Blue Pour Homme. Suddenly he was in demand, and since then he's become one of the most recognized faces in the male modeling world.

Enjoy these stunning pics of our UK hunk David. They really are sexy!

DAVID GANDY - RevealingDAVID GANDY - BriefsDAVID GANDY - In The ShowerDAVID GANDY - RecliningDAVID GANDY - ThirstyDAVID GANDY - Tight BulgeDAVID GANDY - Treasure TrailDAVID GANDY - UndergroundDAVID GANDY - Underwear

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13 years ago

Really sexy and handsome, very unfortunate black and whit picture…..,hmmmmm

13 years ago

Very sexy man! I think the B&W adds to the sexiness.

13 years ago

One of my favotite models 🙂 He has all that needs to be a top model. I like his charming look!

13 years ago

The B&W pics are stunning. I do wish at least one of the photos showed his amazing blue eyes, but these were all great shots.

13 years ago

it’s cool a man…..,I love it.

james r eaton
james r eaton
3 years ago


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