Brian Bonds Looks Damn Good In Some CellBlock13 Gear

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Whenever I see a new shoot from the CellBlock13 brand you can be pretty certain that it's going to end up on the Gay Body Blog for you all to check out and enjoy, and I know you love this brand as much as I do.

Even though I probably couldn't wear much of their gear very convincingly (I think I would need another six months at the gym and a strict diet administered by an authoritarian personal trainer to even get half way there) I can definitely say that Brian Bonds fills out these sexy numbers very nicely indeed!

They have a bit of a reputation for getting some great porn hunks into their lines and shooting photos like this, and it's obviously working for them. They know their audience after all, and we have to admit that the only places you can get away with wearing these things are in the bedroom, at a private party or in the back rooms or basement of a dark club somewhere :)

Brian Bonds looks great in or out of this gear though, if you've never seen him in action before click through and watch him getting pounded in a post from November!

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