Brazilian Muscle Hunk Douglas Jacob

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I went to the gym last night and enjoyed a lovely session with several big and buff guys showing off their bods, this Brazilian muscle hunk was on my must post list this morning as a result of that :)

I don't know what was going on at the gym. There are usually a few hot guys there I can check out, but last night it was like some kind of hottie convention. They do have a pretty good bodybuilder customer base, so maybe one of them organized something.

Whatever the deal was, I was enjoying the eye-candy lol

So what can I tell you about Douglas Jacob?

He's Brazilian hunk with a whole lot of muscle, obviously.

The handsome man is a male model and a businessman, although I'm not quite sure what kind of business he's in. I think it might be sportswear?

I'm pretty sure being hot isn't a business, but if it was he would be considered extremely successful.

There's a lot to love about this guy.

Besides the muscle, he's very handsome and he has that sexy suave look about him. I'll be honest and admit that one smile from him and I would probably gladly do almost anything lol

Will we see this Brazilian muscle hunk naked? I doubt it. That doesn't seem to be his thing. That doesn't mean we won't enjoy these pics of him, though.

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See you back here tomorrow for more hotness :)

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Henry James
Henry James
1 month ago

Fell madly in luv with him!!!

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