Brazilian Hottie Ricardo Barreto

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We seem to be seeing a lot of very hot young men from Brazil out there in the modeling world these days, and I'm so happy about that too. When I saw these photos of handsome and fit Ricardo Barreto I was certain that this wasn't the first time we'd seen him on the blog, but after a little search on his name nothing came up. Perhaps he was a previously "unknown" guy in another post?

He's not going to be unknown for much longer if he carries on appearing in shoots by photographers like Jeff Segenreich. The guy has given him an interesting look, dressing him up in some sailor boy outfits and giving him an American flag to sport too. I know there's an irony in that somewhere, but I have to think about it for a lot longer before I commit to making comment on that subject lol

He's handsome, and he has a great body. He seems to be one of those guys not scared to show off a little more flesh too, although I can guess that some of you would want a little more flesh on show - you're not alone, me too! ;)

Lets hope for more of this guy. I really want a nude shoot!

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