Brand New Hunk Nelson De Font Reux Is Damn Fine!

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Some of you might not be into bearded men, and to you I say... you're wrong :) As a bearded gent I appreciate some facial foliage on a dude, but even more so when that dude looks like Nelson De Font Reux. Okay, even though I love bearded hunks, I will concede that maybe he should give it a bit of a trim, but I really wouldn't mind too much if he didn't. I think he looks pretty remarkable just the way he is. This is the first time I've seen him, never heard his (long) name before, and after checking out these pics by photographer Raul Villalba and taking a look around out there for more of the guy it seems to me that this might be his only shoot so far. Allow me to suggest that this probably won't be his last shoot. He looks amazing, he has an incredible body, and the fact that he's willing to show off in such a sexy and teasing shoot certainly bodes well for his future. I have a feeling some of you will want to see more of the hunk after this, and be sure that I will be looking for more of him in the future too. If any of you guys see him around out there let me know!

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7 years ago

Great body & handsome face. I love facial hair, as I sport a beard myself, but this one needs to trim it. A neatly trimmed beard is very sexy, but the long shaggy beard doesn’t work with the ripped body.

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