Brand New And Amazing – Jordan Levine

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I had to get these pics on the blog when I saw this guys very first video on the Randy Blue site. It's not often I see a man arrive in gay porn and instantly know that he's about to become the next gay porn superstar, but when it comes to Jordan Levine I have to say it - I think this dude is going to be massive!

Now I know we have one or two guys here who really don't like body art, but I honestly think they're in the minority, especially when it comes to a hardcore jerk off with a hunk like Jordan Levine. I don't like too much ink on a guy usually, but in all honesty it makes no difference with this guy - he's one of the most butch and masculine guys I think I've ever seen, seeping confidence and horniness from every pore as he shows off his awesome body in the sun and starts working on his rock solid dick!

I don't know where he's come from, but I definitely want more. His first video shows he's a natural and I can just imagine what it's going to be like to see him in action with one or two of the other guys on the site ;)Jordan Levine solo at Randy Blue (1)

Jordan Levine solo at Randy Blue (2)

Jordan Levine solo at Randy Blue (3)

Jordan Levine solo at Randy Blue (4)

Jordan Levine solo at Randy Blue (5)

Jordan Levine solo at Randy Blue (6)

Jordan Levine solo at Randy Blue (7)

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12 years ago

I don’t like too much ink either! But he’s definitely hot. And with that dick, what I can say is I want more! Lol!

12 years ago

Tattoos destroy his beautiful looks

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