Boys In Bed – With Shoes On!?

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Okay, I'm certain there is a fetish thing when it comes to hot guys like these wearing shoes and long socks while in bed, laying on white sheets and wearing some sexy white underwear... Come on, there's a fetish for absolutely everything! You could throw in a guy standing next to the bed and dressed in a pirate outfit singing musical numbers while popping balloons and some guy out there is getting off on it! lol

Still, after seeing the hot pic of the gorgeous Arthur Kulkov in this position, I was inspired to go on the search for some more and see what the deal was with the collection. It turns out it's a D&G editorial shoot for Antidote magazine, photographed by the talented Giampaolo Sgura.

Along with Arthur Kulkov (or Artur, depending on where you're reading about him) we have a really hot and sexy collection of boys in bed, including Jae Yoo, Tim Rueger, Noah Mills, Paolo Anchisi, Justin Halley, Guy Robinson, Sam Way, Adam Senn, Sam Webb and Travis Bland (in no particular order).

I love great collections like this, they're almost worthy of being added to a coffee table book or issued in postcards for collection - yes, I am one of THOSE people lol

Boys In Bed - With Shoes On (1) Boys In Bed - With Shoes On (2) Boys In Bed - With Shoes On (3) Boys In Bed - With Shoes On (4) Boys In Bed - With Shoes On (5) Boys In Bed - With Shoes On (6) Boys In Bed - With Shoes On (7) Boys In Bed - With Shoes On (8) Boys In Bed - With Shoes On (9) Boys In Bed - With Shoes On (10) Boys In Bed - With Shoes On (11)

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13 years ago

What a sexy collection of pics, thanks!

13 years ago

The problem is half of them are smoking… big turn-off. 🙁

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