Boy Next Door Model Joey Gore

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Some might not understand what I mean by a boy next door model, but after seeing some pics of Joey Gore here you're probably gonna get it.

When I saw these pics of him I was kind of expecting to find out he was modeling in the 90s, or early 00s.

He's got that look about him, doesn't he? If you're old enough to remember that era, he does have that kind of 90s college boy style.

I'm really not mad about it either.

There's also a big helping of A&F style going on. I'm not sure if we're still supposed to reference Abercrombie after everything that came to light, but I think you guys get what I mean mentioning that brand.

What can I tell you about him other than he's gorgeous and sexy?

Unfortunately, I couldn't find out exactly where he's from but I think we can all tell he's American. I want to say maybe California?

He's damn fit, too.

I don't think there are any nude shoots with him out there (I did look lol) but he's got a sexy attitude and I can imagine there might be a lot more of him in his underwear.

I definitely think we're going to be seeing this boy next door model again. Let me know in the comments if you're gonna be looking forward to that lol

Have a great Saturday!

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Gordon Powell
Gordon Powell
2 months ago

Totally forgettable. Doesn’t stand out in the army of bald fish clones.

2 months ago

comme une envie grave de franchir la porte

Bill Cameron
Bill Cameron
2 months ago

I love your use of “retro” on this pretty guy. My fave pic is #3

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