Bodybuilder Cristhian Annes Delivers An Impressive Shoot

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It's no secret to the regular readers of the Gay Body Blog that I go to the gym now and then, party to stay in shape and partly to hang out with some hot friends and check out some great dudes :) This guy is the kind of hunk I love to work out with or just enjoy the sight of while I'm there. His name is Cristhian Annes, and he has an amazing body. He's a bodybuuilder and the fitness model, and obviously he has a lot of what we all love to see in a dude. He's a handsome guy with amazing abs, and I mean truly amazing. If you're an ab or chest guy then you have to admit this dude has it all going on. That's not all though, obviously. Check out that underwear bulge, isn't that rather impressive? He's obviously not very shy when it comes to showing off, in fact he seems to be enjoying it a whole lot! lol I'm going to be out there looking for more of the guy a little later, so hopefully we'll be seeing more of the dude on the blog in the future. In the meantime leave a comment, give him a thumbs-up and share this post around out there. Have a great Sunday. Bodybuilder Cristhian Annes Delivers An Impressive Shoot 0 Bodybuilder Cristhian Annes Delivers An Impressive Shoot 1 Bodybuilder Cristhian Annes Delivers An Impressive Shoot 2 Bodybuilder Cristhian Annes Delivers An Impressive Shoot 3 Bodybuilder Cristhian Annes Delivers An Impressive Shoot 4 Bodybuilder Cristhian Annes Delivers An Impressive Shoot 5 Bodybuilder Cristhian Annes Delivers An Impressive Shoot 6 Bodybuilder Cristhian Annes Delivers An Impressive Shoot 7 Bodybuilder Cristhian Annes Delivers An Impressive Shoot 8 Bodybuilder Cristhian Annes Delivers An Impressive Shoot 9

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8 years ago

This hot dude is packing a yummy looking man-meat!

8 years ago

His back muscles do it for me .. I’m not usually into muscular guys but I’ll make an exception

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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