Bodybuilder Alastair James Wilson

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Bodybuilder Alastair James Wilson is pretty incredible, and pretty talented too.

I had to share some of his photos on here when I saw this handsome and muscled hunk showing off his amazing physique in some bulging photos.

Not only is this Scottish hunk a handsome and buff bodybuilder, he's a photographer too, and a very talented one. According to what I've read he's on a break from bodybuilding and took the opportunity to step out in front of the cameras rather than be the one taking all the photos, and I certainly appreciate that decision.

Although I haven't been able to see any naked examples he's apparently perfectly willing to get his clothes off completely for the right project. Am I alone in wanting to see that? I doubt it!

I know I've said before that bodybuilders with too much muscle can be a bit of a turn off, but in my opinion Alastair James Wilson looks amazing and has just enough size and definition to be drool worthy.

Enjoy his pics, leave a comment and give him a thumbs-up too, don't forget to share this post around and let all your Twitter and Facebook friends enjoy him too :)

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