Bobby Creighton Getting Sexy!

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I am stunned and a little appalled that I haven't shared any photos of this handsome and incredibly built stud on the blog for you guys to check out before now. I have been aware of Bobby Creighton for a couple of months now and he is without a doubt one of my best finds this year, so I was shocked that I hadn't had any posts on here about him.

I'm fixing that with this collection of images sent to me in an email this morning by a friend of mine who happens to know how much I've been enjoying this man recently.

Everything about this hunk is hot. He's so damn handsome, and his sexy blue eyes would probably be enough to have me captivated if I saw him. But the rest of him is immense too. The guy has a perfect body, and I mean absolutely perfect. I know some are really anti-ink here, but this guy is so hot I cannot believe that anyone would turn him away because of his tattoos.

Obviously, you can tell that he's a confident tease too. I've seen a few shoots with him now and every single one seems to show him teasing the camera, like he knows he has a massive gay following already ;)

Enjoy guys, I think a lot of you will agree he's 100% gorgeous.

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Richard Bortness
11 years ago

Shame on you for not sharing earlier.

11 years ago

Oh yes indeed! Your sister blog first brought this uber stud to my attention a couple of weeks ago, but this photo set is new to me and very sexy/artsy. Personally guys like Bobby have helped me to have a new appreciation for inked men. What’s not to love/lust after, especially his torso and those nips?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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