Blue-Eyed Cub Sebastian Calvin Reveals All

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Oh my! I opened up my emails this morning and would you look at who I found! I've never seen this sexy young man before, but I think I might be spending a little time this afternoon seeing what else this hairy young thing has been doing.

He's a gorgeous guy, so handsome, and with stunning eyes too. He looks great in a suit, but he looks even better when he's out of it and showing off his goodies.

I still don't really know too much about all the labels and categories we put guys into, but I'm guessing Sebastian Calvin would be considered a bear cub? Let me know in the comments if I'm right, or wrong.

There's a lot to like about this young man, but his handsome face and that natural fur really grabbed my attention.

I don't think I'm the only one who wouldn't be kicking him out of my bed.

Photographer Ryan Stanford is responsible for delivering these sexy pics, I believe. We've seen some of his shoots before and they're always good. He's one of those photographers who likes to shoot nudes with all kinds of guys, and I really appreciate that diversity in his work.

Enjoy these pics, leave a comment, share the post around out there and most importantly have a great Monday :)

Now, I'm off to see if I can find more of this sexy young man.

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5 years ago

Very, very nice! I wouldn’t mind having him sit on my face.

5 years ago

Ooh, very sexy. The come hither look works. We see lots of pics where the guy is semi-dressed, but something about this guy is captivating. My favorite part is that he’s not hung like a non-human species. If I were lucky enough to unwrap this package, I’d be thrilled at what was inside.

5 years ago

What a beautiful otter!

1 year ago

Chicken fuck me baaby —

Brian N
Brian N
8 months ago

Gorgeous I love all the hair especially his pubic hair.

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