Blue Collar Sex With JC Hunt And Trevor Brooks

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We all have our own kinks and interests, but I feel as though blue collar sex with dudes who wear denim and carry tools is pretty universal.

It's that whole masculinity thing, isn't it? Whether we like it or not, society creates these perceptions of what manliness is, and traditionally hard working men in jeans are somewhere near the top of that ranking.

It's like the fascination a lot of guys (including me) have for dudes in uniform.

JC Hunt s playing that role real well in this new ASGmax video.

He's stopping by to fix something for Trevor Brooks, and the handsome and horny young man can't seem to keep his interest to himself.

Thankfully JC isn't the kind of man to turn down an opportunity :)

It doesn't take long before he's succumbed to the offer of head and the two are sucking on those juicy tools, swapping dicks in a slurping and rimming session.

Of course it's a flip fuck, too.

Both these guys get plenty of what they need from each other before those cum splashes spurt off!

Check out some pics from "Mr. Fix-It – Down the Drain" and click here for the full blue collar sex scene.

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