Black And White Muscle By Andrei Vishnyakov

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I was inspired today. Although the weather here is not great for a visit to the coast, it didn't stop a few surfers from coming out to enjoy themselves. And you know, nothing quite inspires a guy like me like a hot young muscle guy showing off his body while he changes into a wet suit. lol

So my buddy and I are back at the hotel, we're planning to head out for dinner in a couple of hours and I've been searching for some sexy young guys to share with you all before I head out on the town - just a little hotness to brighten up your weekend.

On my Internet travels this evening I found some really great images by the very talented young Russian photographer Andrei Vishnyakov. Zack gave you some really great pics of the young Anatoli in this post last year, but I've found a nice collection of varied men captured on camera by this guy and I knew you'd want to see them.

Although he's pretty diverse and covers male, female, portraiture and landscape work, I love his suggestive male imagery, and these black and white photographs really show off the muscle and his ability to capture it so well. They're pretty hot!

Andrei Vishnyakov Andrei Vishnyakov Andrei Vishnyakov Andrei Vishnyakov Andrei Vishnyakov Andrei Vishnyakov Andrei Vishnyakov Andrei Vishnyakov Andrei Vishnyakov Andrei Vishnyakov

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13 years ago

Thanks so much for blogging on your vacation!

I must say that this photographer is so talented…when was the last time any of us saw a shot like the one where he is bended over and looking through his legs..I get really tired of people that have the tools to be creative but put out almost the same pictures, for every model..does it sell? I look at it with an “artist’s eye”..not that I am an artist but fashion is fashion and they don’t really care what the picture looks like but what they have on their body, especially in the big fashion house, my younger brother works for one, so I know, somewhat of what happens….but when any person wants to put together a portfolio ,you have to listen to that “inner voice”..yes I like it or NO ,I do not like it cause that one picture may get you the job or not..look how famous just ONE picture has been in the lives of people through the years..I will never forget “Marky”Mark in those Calvin Klein’s, that’s one example.


Huynh Ty
Huynh Ty
13 years ago

Yr photos is very beautiful and sexy. Try !

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