Big Russian Hunk Valdemar Santana Shows His Uncut Cock

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He's a big Russian hunk with a lot to show us.

Yes, I'm invoking memories of the gym again today. Remember the gym? What amazing places they were lol

We all miss that.

I saw some pics of this incredible Russian hunk this morning. Immediately I knew I had to start out by saying how dangerous and mean he looks. I can't be the only one thinking that, right? At the same time, however, I know that appearances are deceiving.

Years ago there was a guy I met at the gym who looked real scary. He was a huge and powerful hunk who had that look about him. You wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley. Two months after seeing him (and avoiding him at all cost lol) it turned out we had a mutual friend in common. I was forced to spend time around him at the pub.

Can you guess what I'm gonna say? He was a funny, adorable sweetheart of a man. He volunteered for a homeless charity and taught teens boxing at the weekends.

So, when you look at this huge hunk of angry-looking Russian masculinity posing for photographer Franson remember that he might also be the most adorable and softly-spoken guy.

If you don't care about any of that you could just appreciate that meaty piece of uncut cock. He's apparently happy to show it off for us :)

It would be rude not to appreciate it.

Enjoy this big Russian hunk. Leave a comment. Hit that thumbs-up and share the post so your friends and followers get to enjoy Valdemar Santana too.

Most importantly, have a lovely Wednesday!

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Robert Hensley
Robert Hensley
4 years ago

Wicked HOT man.

4 years ago

uncut cock can suck on it all day. Wish all guys where uncut.

4 years ago

Sexy hot muscled … uncut !

4 years ago

@ KEN A: I am uncut!

I always wonder(ed): why want parents mutilate their children (f/m) by circumcision? Isn’t that child abuse? Can we send those parents to jail, please?!
(If a person wants to do a circumcision to her-/himself, when she/he is an adult, is another matter.)

1 year ago

I have developed an attraction for uncut cock. Thank you for showing the best.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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