Big Man Albert Lopez Catalan Has Changed A Lot!

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Do you remember when we first saw Albert Lopez Catalan here at Gay Body Blog? It was just over a year ago and he was showing off some (in my opinion) sexy dreads, his ripped and hairy body and a nice looking bulge too. Of course, it helped that he also happens to be a damn good-looking man.

I meant to find more of him, but I guess I must have been distracted or just couldn't find another full shoot to share.

Well, I'm glad to say that I've finally found more of him, and he's changed quite a bit in the year since we last enjoyed him.

The hair is gone (not sure how I feel about that lol) and he's looking more beefy than he was back then. He was already a gorgeously muscled man but now he's a little wider and more powerful.

I don't know what to think about the 'porn stache' either, but to be honest I would not be kicking this man out of my bed at any time for any reason :)

Enjoy him, and let me know what you think in the comments. Do you prefer him how he used to look or does his new look appeal to you more. Am I just imagining things or is there the slight appearance of Tom of Finland style about him?

Have a lovely Monday.

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4 years ago

Picture 1 – 5: he wears his grandma’s underwear.

4 years ago

He looks better without the dreads

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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