Big And Handsome Dancer Lockhart Brownlie

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I know I ask this a lot about various models pretty regularly, but I'm gonna say it again... why have we never seen Lockhart Brownlie on the Gay Body Blog before? I was looking through some random pics a friend of mine directed me to this morning when I stumbled across this guy and had to do a little digging, but what I found was most definitely worth my time. His modelling work is what caught my attention, of course, but he's also an actor and a dancer, and worked/works with Katy Perry (lucky girl!) He's such a handsome hunk and he's got a great body, as we can see from this shoot by an unknown photographer. Sorry, I don't know who is responsible for these images but the style reminds me a little of French photographer Nicolas Aristodou. I don't think they're by him, they look a little too sharp, but whoever it was I appreciate them. Let me know in the comments if you have any info on that! I'm not sure if this handsome hunk has been in any nude shoots yet, but you can be sure I'm gonna be out there later looking for more of the guy and you never know what might be found. Have a great Friday!

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