Benjamin Rodig – Looking good in and out of clothes!

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Benjamin Rodig is from Illinois and stands an impressive 6' 2". Only in his 20's, this young man is driven and knows what he wants from life. His aims in modelling are diverse, including high-fashion, commercial and artistic. And I would love to see some more nude shoots (tasteful, of course!) Not happy staying on only one side of the camera, he's also a talented photographer himself!

Adventurous and sporty, he has a great attitude and knows how to have fun.

He has one of those looks that will go well with absolutely anything. Sporty, high fashion, rock, average Joe, you name it, he can seemingly pull it off. Speaking of pulling it off, check out this first shot of Benjamin.

He has an amazing body, more natural than overly gym-trained (although I'm sure he puts in the occasional appearance). And I know where your gaze is heading! Don't you just love those shots where you can see an outline?

Tight, white briefs are the best, especially when what they're holding is impressive too. You can almost make out if he's cut or not! (I think the last pic answers that question!)

Benjamin Rodig - InvitingBenjamin Rodig - HandsomeBenjamin Rodig - OutsideBenjamin Rodig - Wet

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14 years ago

Another beauty!!! Hope he does well


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