Ben Dudman Looks Hot Hairy!

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We've seen this handsome stud once before on the blog, but back then he was a smooth muscle man posing in a fitness shoot. This time, for a shoot by photographer Alejandro Ramirez for Box Underwear, he's let his fur grow out and he's looking pretty damn fine.

I know some of you guys really like the more natural look, so no doubt a few of you will be commenting down below while thinking dirty thoughts about this handsome dude getting sweaty in the gym sauna. Oops, did I just reveal more about myself than I intended to? lol

As we learned the last time, this British hottie hails from London and I think he probably spends a lot of time working on that bod, although I have a long list of other activities I think I could tempt him with if the opportunity was there.

Sorry guys, I don't know what's wrong with me, I seem to be far too horny to work today.

Enjoy his pics, leave a comment below and hit that thumbs-up button before you go anywhere. You could also really help us out and share the post so all your friends and followers can enjoy this handsome stud too :)

Most of all, make sure you have a damn good Monday and don't work too hard!

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5 years ago

This man is stunning!

5 years ago

Incredibly stunning and damn that VPL in those red speedo. DAMN!

5 years ago

So much better than when he is smooth.

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