Ben Dudman Is Hairier Than Ever

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Happy Monday everyone! I hope you had a fab weekend. I've started out the week with a visit to the gym this morning, the first visit for 2020. It turns out it was a good decision, I had a very interesting encounter with a hairy muscled hunk in the showers. It's not the crustiest of gyms, but every now and then a dude leaves their shower stall open and you can get a good show :)

I don't want to claim that the guy I shared some post workout exhibitionism with today was as hot as Ben Dudman, but he wasn't far off it when it comes to that body.

We've seen this handsome hunk a few times on the blog and he's gained a lot more appreciation recently. He's usually pretty buff and smooth, with maybe a little scruff now and then, but it seems he's decided to let it all go and really show off just how scruffy and furry he can get.

I have to say that while I usually like my muscled hunks with a little short fur in the right places this shoot by photographer James Alexander has really caught my attention.

Check him out, leave a comment, share the post, hit that thumbs-up button, do all the things you lovely folks usually do. Most of all, have a great Monday and don't work too hard :)

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5 years ago

Hi Conran,

For sometime now I have found only a few of the your posts appealing.

I dislike beards, moustaches, excessive body hair and ink. So I think you realise your taste and mine have drifted apart.

Sp please cancel my subscription.


5 years ago

I am totally on the other side of the resent post. Give me a guy with a real hairy chest anytime!


5 years ago

For all those hair lovers, throw in a couple of actual gorillas and they will be in ecstasy!The people who are interested in art, animals, and street life may be confused, as well.

5 years ago

Love the furry guys and the natural look. As it has been said, “Variety is the spice of life.” Thank you!

5 years ago

I’m cool with the gorilla idea, Bill. I may not even notice. But can we sprinkle in a few orangutans? I love a ginger now and then.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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