Belgian Export Henny Seroeyen

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Say Belgian, and someone else will say chocolate. But that isn't their only deliciously tasty export! Henny Seroeyen is a male model who has quite the following, but that's to be expected when you see some of these images grabbed from the net.

A few bloggers have featured this hunk over the last couple of years, and I was a little surprised to see that we hadn't. He's simply gorgeous, and that body really is one that we would all strive to have. He's not too muscled and obviously doesn't spend his life in the gym. In fact, from what I've read, he primarily maintains that awesome physique through sports and activities like biking, martial arts and swimming. It obviously shows that he is dedicated to his health, and I guess that's why he's chosen for so much fitness and editorial work. Although his handsome features do sometimes present opportunities in the fashion world too.

Modeling isn't his only career though, he's also into public relations, personal training and acting too. What an eclectic mix!

It kind of goes without sating that I love the torso shots in this collection, and a lot of these pics really do show off his physical perfection.

Henny Seroeyen Henny Seroeyen Henny Seroeyen Henny Seroeyen Henny Seroeyen Henny Seroeyen Henny Seroeyen Henny Seroeyen Henny Seroeyen

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