Belarusian Bulge With Fitness Model & Athlete Anatoly Terekhin

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We've never seen Anatoly Terekhin on the Gay Body Blog before, but after this shoot by Walter Summer I hope I can find some more of him to get on here for another post. He's a hot guy with a great body. He's a fitness model and an athlete too, and I guess he must be pretty damn good at both given the muscles he has to show off. Of course it's not all about that body, the Belarusian hottie also happens to have a pretty tempting cock bulge that he doesn't mind showing off for the guys. I'm wondering if there are any other shoots of the guy out there where he's showing a little more? I'm sure you guys will let me know if you spot anything like that, right? :) Now, as a guy who loves geeky looking hotties in glasses, I have to say that I don't think those fake specs suit him at all, they're too big for a start. I have no idea why they've been added as a prop, perhaps to get the message across that he's also intelligent? I don't know, I just think it's a little over the top. Let me know what you think guys, leave a comment at the bottom and share this post around too if you get the chance. I'm sure you have friends and followers who would appreciate some of his handsome hotness. belarusian-bulge-with-fitness-model-athlete-anatoly-terekhin-1 belarusian-bulge-with-fitness-model-athlete-anatoly-terekhin-2 belarusian-bulge-with-fitness-model-athlete-anatoly-terekhin-3 belarusian-bulge-with-fitness-model-athlete-anatoly-terekhin-4 belarusian-bulge-with-fitness-model-athlete-anatoly-terekhin-5 belarusian-bulge-with-fitness-model-athlete-anatoly-terekhin-6 belarusian-bulge-with-fitness-model-athlete-anatoly-terekhin-7 belarusian-bulge-with-fitness-model-athlete-anatoly-terekhin-8 belarusian-bulge-with-fitness-model-athlete-anatoly-terekhin-9

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Henry James
Henry James
8 years ago

Gorgeous, sexy & überhot!!!

8 years ago


Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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