Bedroom Antics With Chris Salvatore

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This is not the first time we've seen the gorgeous actor/model Chris Salvatore on the Gay Body Blog, and it damn well wont be the last time either.

Although I've never seen him on screen, I have seen plenty of shoots with the sexy guy and I have to say that he might be the most perfect man for me. He's completely gorgeous, with a totally natural attractiveness that just pulls me in. The fact that he also has a fine body, a gorgeous ass and a dick that he's shown off at least once too - well, it just makes him even more wank-worthy lol

I have no clue where this shoot is from or who took the pics, but as you know I love a good amateur style shoot I had to get these pics on the blog for you guys to enjoy too. Unlike the last shoot in this "unplanned theme" this one really doesn't look at all staged, it's entirely natural. You can just imagine Chris and a friend hanging out and having fun, with plenty of photos taken and then a selection picked out as ones to present to the world.

That's how it should be for a shoot like this, and it works well on me!

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10 years ago

He is very sultry HOTT!!| MORE!! thanks! 🙂

Henry James
Henry James
10 years ago


10 years ago

He make my mouth watering…

Michael Gieseler
4 years ago

I think Chris should beknownfor hisiñside beautyas his gorgeous body. He is averyintelligentand gifted and talented man.ionly wish he was my brother.thank youchrisfor being gay. Mike gieseler

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