I Could Become Obsessed With Tommaso Pasquali

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You might not know this (and why would you?) but photographer Daniel Jaems has a long-running series of shoots of gorgeous men, titled "Obsession". It's a perfect name for it, because the men he takes photos of are stunning and I could totally imagine becoming a little obsessed with any of them if they were in my life. Check out his latest subject, a gorgeous dude by the name of Tommaso Pasquali. I'm almost certain that we have seen at least a couple of photos of this handsome man on the Gay Body Blog before, he seems very familiar, but I'm guessing we might not have had a name for him then. Now that I know who this man is you can bet that I'm gonna be out there looking for more of him. He's so good looking, and that body is amazing. Of course, the fact that he's showing off in some underwear and looking damn teasing while doing it only makes me more intrigued to see what else he's done. Will we get more underwear shoots with the guy? Are there any nude shoots out there? I guess we'll have to see :) Enjoy the pics, leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button, and most importantly have a wonderful Monday.

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7 years ago


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