Beaux Banks, Matthew Camp And Angel Rivera Continue The Rise Of The Sirens Story

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It's the middle of the week already and I have no idea where the days are going.

I went for a run this morning, for the first time in a while, and I ache. It's a good ache, though. I need to get back to doing more than sitting at my desk for hours!

I can't meet up with a few guys for some outdoor fun the way these three handsome and horny dudes are but I'm genuinely thinking a little wank in the woods might tide me over for the time being :)

Remember when I mentioned the Rise Of The Sirens series? Yeah, I kind of failed spectacularly to keep on top of that after the first delivery with sexy Beaux Banks and big man Matthew Camp.

We're rejoining the story now though, and it's a good update!

Beaux has apparently escaped his captors and is discovered by Matthew once again, but they're not alone. Beaux's aquatic husband Angel Rivera is soon on the scene and everything gets a little crazy as cocks get sucked and holes get pounded!

This is definitely one of those times when you think the story might be a little bit needless. Let's be honest, we're here for the hot guys and the awesome sex and I don't think many of you give a damn about the mermen theme to this one lol

Check out the pics and click through for the video, remember that you get a discount if you use our link!

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1 year ago

Suck some big dick and lick some big balls.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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