Beautiful Albanian Dude Patrick Rukai

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After the last post of handsome and hunky hotness featuring Kevin Vanesse I couldn't wait to get a completely different guy on the Gay Body Blog. I think it's clear that handsome and smooth Patrick Rukai is very different to Kevin!

Is this the very first Albanian hottie we've ever had on the blog? I know we've had plenty of men from the UK, Australia, Brazil and the USA, and some from several European nations too, but I think he might be the first handsome Albanian hunk we've ever seen on here.

I guess Albania might not be one of those countries that regularly sends hot studs out into the world to show off their gorgeous bods, but I'm so glad Patrick has managed it. He's such a good looking guy, smooth and with a tanned and toned bod that's perfect for a shoot by Brian Jamie.

I don't think this is the first time we've seen the work of this photographer on here, but we'll definitely be wanting more after this.

I will have to get out there and see what else I can find featuring this handsome hunk, I wonder if he's done any nude shoots?! ;)

Rest assured I'll be sharing if I find something like that.

Beautiful Albanian Dude Patrick Rukai 1

Beautiful Albanian Dude Patrick Rukai 2

Beautiful Albanian Dude Patrick Rukai 3

Beautiful Albanian Dude Patrick Rukai 4

Beautiful Albanian Dude Patrick Rukai 5

Beautiful Albanian Dude Patrick Rukai 6

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Beautiful Albanian Dude Patrick Rukai 8

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