Bearded Muscle Hunk Robert Blazevic Is Back For More

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We've seen some shoots featuring bearded muscle hunk Robert Blazevic on the Gay Body Blog a couple of times already and it seems you guy enjoy him as much as I do. I found this new shoot of the handsome guy showing off for Alexander Cobb in some more tempting undies and of course I had to get these photos on here for you guys to enjoy. From what I gather he's relatively new to the world of male modeling, but given what we've seen there's definitely an audience ready for him and we're absolutely wanting more. Aside from being a handsome hunk with a great body there's a great mix of masculinity and softness about him. You guys can probably see it too, his eyes in some of his shots just make him look like a big cuddly teddy bear. Even though he has the power and strength to smash you into the dirt he actually looks like he's more likely to give you a cuddle lol I really like him, even though I think beards can be a bit hit and miss on dudes like him sometimes I think it actually suits him pretty well. He's trimmed it right down for this shoot compared to his previous ones, and he still looks great. bearded-muscle-hunk-robert-blazevic-is-back-for-more-1 bearded-muscle-hunk-robert-blazevic-is-back-for-more-2 bearded-muscle-hunk-robert-blazevic-is-back-for-more-3 bearded-muscle-hunk-robert-blazevic-is-back-for-more-4 bearded-muscle-hunk-robert-blazevic-is-back-for-more-5 bearded-muscle-hunk-robert-blazevic-is-back-for-more-6

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8 years ago

Goddamn. He has really stepped it up. Wow.

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