More Of Those Beach Hunks From Aronik

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We saw some pics of these handsome hunks showing off at the beach yesterday and you probably guessed that there would be more to enjoy. The Aronik brand usually delivers a great shoot with plenty to look at, and they haven't let us down with this one either. I mentioned yesterday that shoots like this one get me thinking about the summer, and I have been doing exactly that. I have a couple of festivals planned for 2018 that I missed out on this year, but I think I need to add a trip to the coast into my vacation plans at some point. Even if it's just a weekend, I think I need to spend some time at the beach ogling some hotties like these guys. I have a favorite hunk in this collection too. It's the third guy. While all of these handsome jocks are delicious that guy just looks extra hot to me. I don't know what it is about him but I think he looks amazing. I wish I had a name for that guy. I think I might have to spend a while this afternoon looking around out there to see if I can find out a little more about that dude. i'm pretty sure we've seen him before in a couple of posts so if you know anything leave a comment! In fact, leave a comment anyway, let me know what you think of these handsome guys and the shoot. And, of course, have a great Saturday!

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7 years ago

Shouldn’t be anything to be negative about here.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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