Ayden Gets The Big Bare Dick Of Jock Top Robbie

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We saw sexy Ayden for the first time last month and although I suggested that I was probably gonna spend some time going back through all his previous videos I haven't had the time to do that yet, but now I've seen him getting the big meaty cock of handsome and fit jock Robbie I've been newly inspired!

This is a great pairing, not just because both of these guys are so damn hot, but because they're both eager to get what the other is offering. Ayden loves dudes with big dicks for him to ride and Robbie loves fucking tight butts able to handle his meat. It's a perfect duo.

Aside from all the great fucking these guys share in this video, I really like the start of it too with the guys sharing some sexual fetishes. They both want to join the Mile high Club and love a little outdoor action too. Will they be taking a vacation together soon? It wouldn't surprise me.

Check out some pics, click through for the video and remember that you get a discount when you get there using this link. Seriously, if you're not a member there already then you should at least give it a trial run.

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