Ayal Mazaki Looks Good In His Underwear Out In The Sun!

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Happy Thursday everyone!

I woke up this morning to the sound of my garden table sliding across the patio. We're not in the middle of a storm or anything, it's just quite wintry here today. Perhaps that's why I was so quickly drawn to this tempting sight of handsome and fit Ayal Mazaki enjoying some sun in his underwear?

He's one of several handsome faces appearing in my emails today.

We've never seen him here at Gay Body Blog before, and I think that's mostly because he's quite new to modeling. I did a little digging and it seems he's been taking selfies for social media for a while, but professional modeling might be a new thing for him.

If so, I think we're going to be seeing more of the young man after this shoot by Omer Revivi.

I can't tell you a whole lot about him, but I can tell you he's from Israel and he he's on just about every platform out there.

These pics show that he'd make a pretty good underwear model. He's a good looking guy, with a great body, not too big and bulky.

I can totally imagine him being picked up by one of the brands to appear in some magazine shoots, can't you?

Enjoy him, leave a comment, hit the thumbs up button and share the post.

I'm gonna finish my coffee and go and check out the damage outside.

Have a lovely day while I battle the elements! :)

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2 years ago

I bet he even looks better without his underwear, especially those boring boxer shorts. One should punish the person who invented boxer shorts!

2 years ago

Looks Good Out Of His Underwear In The Sun … would be great ,yes please.

2 years ago

a Boss with and without but le begins slowly with Diesel motorisation

5 months ago


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