Asian Muscle Guy Ye Hao Would Get It!

21 ratings, 35 votes21 ratings, 35 votes (+21 rating, 35 votes, rated)

I think we all agree we don't see enough Asian hotties here on the blog, so when this handsome Asian muscle guy dropped into my emails I knew we needed to see him for today's post.

His name is Ye Hao.

He's a Chinese national who hit the internet headlines back in June. Apparently he posed for GQ in a "Heat Stroke" themed collection. I'm not sure I get it, but whatever works to get attention I guess.

It worked for him.

He was quickly being shared around social media. I can't say it was all truly organic - we know how this kind of marketing goes - but it does seem to have put him in a great position.

While not all of these pics are professional shots and it's obviously not all from the same photographer, we love seeing a hot model just hanging out in some selfies.

Amateur pics are often better than the professional shots when it comes to socials.

Check out this handsome, fit Asian muscle guy and let's hope for more of him.

I'm sure all the attention he's been getting recently is going to serve him well and have him working with plenty of big brands and photographers in the future :)

Have a lovely Thursday! See you back here tomorrow.

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21 ratings, 35 votes21 ratings, 35 votes (+21 rating, 35 votes, rated)
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