Are You Ready To Start A New Week With Super Hot And Sexy Jock Model Nick Topel?
We saw him twice in 2021, and we finally got around to ogling him again on Saturday, but I had a little more of super hot Nick Topel in my desktop folder and I knew you guys would want to see him again.
There are plenty of good ways to start a new week but I think spending a few minutes admiring the handsome face and fine physique of this gorgeous young man is probably one of the better ways.
As we know, he's an American model who divides his time between New York and Miami. He's not just a fitness model either, he's a personal trainer and life coach. That seems to be becoming more and more popular these days.
As I said before, he could coach me in anything and I'd be happy, but I do have some specialty areas he could really help me out with lol
Obviously he's ridiculously hot. He's so handsome and that body is just awesome. He's apparently more of a bodybuilder, which is interesting because I think he has more of a jock body than a bodybuilder's frame.
Then again I'm not one, so what do I know? Clearly whatever he does works for him.
Enjoy him again, leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button and share the post. Most of all have a lovely Monday and I'll see you all back here tomorrow! :)

séduisant mais une planche en moins la prochaine fois et un peu plus de son dos et du bas de sa chute de reins SVP , pour mes 74 , next week